Sewer Backups & Overflows
A sewer backup is something that you want to avoid at all costs for obvious reasons. Such a thing occurs when wastewater doesn’t properly drain away from your home due to an obstruction or damage to the plumbing system. This problem commonly occurs in the main sewer line that connects the property to the municipal sanitary sewers. When not addressed immediately, wastewater will continue to fill your sewer lines and drainpipes, resulting in a backup. This will not only cause property damage but may present serious health risks if not addressed properly.
Who is Responsible for Repairs?
You may or may not know that most homeowners and business owners are responsible for the maintenance and repair of the house or sewer lateral. This is the pipeline between the city sanitary sewer main, usually located under the street, and the building or house. A cracked or deteriorated lateral or one filled with tree roots can allow groundwater to seep into the system, contributing to the possible sewer backup problems.
The out-of-pocket costs to repairing the lateral sewer line is in the thousands. In addition, your property damage may be covered by insurance, but the outside sewer lines are not unless you acquire additional insurance for this purpose not covered in your insurance policy.
Have property damage due to sewer backups or overflows?